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Bonus Ball

CIYMS CC Bonus Ball
What is it?
The bonus ball is a fundraising scheme the club runs every week of the year based on the National Lottery
Every player gets assigned a number from 1 to 59 and whichever number is the Bonus Ball in the lottery
draw that week, wins!
What do you win?
£25 weekly prize
Summer special: £100 1st week of July
Christmas Special: £200 1st week of December
What does it cost?
£5 per month via Standing Order on the 1st of the month

Set up by the player
What does it fund?
Funds raised through the Bonus Ball scheme are used to purchase new equipment with a focus on
improving the club’s grounds, training and coaching capabilities for all levels of the club

Please contact a committee member to purchase your ball, or prior to stopping your standing order

Alternatively please contact us using the contact page

Other Events

CIYMS annual cricket awards night , dates to follow

CIYMS annual golf tournament took place in May 2022
